ve had such a contrary couple of weeks.

Ben and I decided to stop seeing each other. Which is an awful lot like ripping a band aid off; it hurts like hell but has to be done. I think ending our “relationship” (I use that term loosely) was one of the few things that we ever agreed on and we even argued about that, go figure. But aside from that I have the rush that new found independence tends to give and I have applied for school in the fall. I take my assessment test tomorrow, yikes! I have decided on a degree in Humanities and I’m giddy to be a student again. And although I’m hungry for the knowledge, going to school full time and working full time is going to be crazy! But I’m up for it….I think.

Then there is Gisele. Poor girl had to go back to the vet today and have her original incision from being spayed a month ago, reopened, cleaned and closed back up with different sutures. She had an allergic reaction to the
dissolvable stitches and had developed an infection. This time around they gave her the good old fashion stitches. Except they’re worried about her licking them hence the stylish t-shirt she is so obviously thrilled about. I have already taken it off of her so that she could cuddle up and sleep like she does.
So that’s life in Bohemian Sugar. I’m just trying to get a grip.
My grandkitty does not look happy. She is trying to tell you that animals are not supposed to wear clothes. I'm glad she is OK. Love you (and her)lots, Mom
Oops! I forgot to tell you show much I like "fly girl". She is very cute! You are getting really good with the big-eyed girls.
Love, Mom
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