I've decided to stop thinking that everything in my journal has to be a piece of art, after all this is my journal isn't it? It's where I try things out, write sucky poems, draw silly pictures, vent my feelings or just plain DOODLE. I think the reason my imagination has been like the sahara desert is because I keep trying to create something wonderful and artistic instead of just PlAyINg!! Who cares if it looks like a five year old did it? I was five for one whole year after all and I'm allowed to relive it as often as I want...so there.
I'm always making lists (and losing them). So I've decided to start writing some of them in my journal. Then doodling around them and coloring with some crayons. Aside from the crayons it's what my lists look like anyway. I think implenting art in my everyday activities will help keep my creative juices flowin!
I finally did it! I started the first two pages in my art journal! Now the ideas are starting to flow! You are my inspiration! Just imagine what your going to do in your journal about your trip to Africa!
BTW, there are pictures of the pages on my blog and also a picture of my sidewalk sign! Finally!
Hey chickie, thanks for the comment on my blog, I appreciate it :) You asked me to write you but I don't know where or what lol. I'm liking your blog. Gonna take a closer look at it. Take care!
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