Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Belly dancing!! Not exactly a dream but it is something that I want to do, something that I'm going to do! I'm calling this weekend to register for class. I figure as long as I'm moving forward and acting on things that I want right now then I'm moving in the right direction. To often we live in the past, replaying things in our minds over and over....driving ourselves CRazY. We are not our past, we can not change our past and we can not relive our past. All we really have is today, right now - this moment, that's it. There is so much that I need to change and so much that I want to do and I need to start now.
Five things I am grateful for today: the ability to dream about the future; Jesus Christ; my brothers and sisters; forgiveness from those that I've hurt.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
3 week challenge - Day one

I'm participating in the three week challenge (www.3weekchallenge.ning.com) and today was my first day. Part of that challenge is to write down five things, each day, that you're grateful for and do quick daily journal entries about the dreams that you have. I've decided to combine the two.
One of my dreams is to have a best friend to laugh and make art with. And the five things I'm grateful for today are...
1) Mom
2) Gisele
3) Melinda
4) My home
5) My job
I hope you all have a wonderful day and you're working on focusing on what is right in life. There is so much to be thankful for if we will just take the time to look and think about it.

I'm just kicking back and watching the snow fall outside my window on this lovely spring morning. Yes, snow! Yesterday it was 60 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, today it's cold and snowing. That's what spring in Utah is like. I actually like it though, the variety I mean.

Gisele and I have just been hanging out on my bed reading and writing. Pascal The Parrot, my little chicken man, is still covered in his cage sound asleep. We're a lazy bunch today.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Practice, Practice

I'm really starting to fall in love with drawing and can't wait to get better at it. It's becoming habit to reach for my sketchbook and pencil when I sit down on the couch. I can actually see some improvement with this girl and that's very encouraging for me. Especially because it has been such a short time since starting. More and more I like the idea of my own drawings being the main element in my journal spreads. It's more authentic that way.
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Place To Escape

I only meant to sit down for a minute, just to practice drawing heads (I'm taking the Suzi Blu 'Les Petite Dolls' class). But, with the music playing and my color pencils just begging me to stay, I let the stress of the day melt away and slipped deep into my own world at last.

It's ok if her head is freakishly large...this is folk art!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What If?
what if mermaids lived in the sky? what if dreams really do come true? what if you take everything i said the wrong way? what if you believed that you could anything? what if i draw every single day? what if i don't call anyone for days and days? what if i believe in love? what if I stop being afraid?
Monday, March 16, 2009

All weekend long I played with paint, glue, oil pastels & colored pencils. I wrote poems, cut out pictures, painted canvas', scribbled, transfered AND...finished nothing! But I rested well last night. Creating brings me peace - keeps me centered. Don't you love escaping to the world that only you can create?

Gisele is fascinated by my bubble baths. She walks around on the edge of the tub the entire time that I'm bathing. I love this picture of her. It was only a couple of months ago but she's already grown and changed so much. I never in a million years thought I'd be a cat person, but I love this cat!
Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've decided to stop thinking that everything in my journal has to be a piece of art, after all this is my journal isn't it? It's where I try things out, write sucky poems, draw silly pictures, vent my feelings or just plain DOODLE. I think the reason my imagination has been like the sahara desert is because I keep trying to create something wonderful and artistic instead of just PlAyINg!! Who cares if it looks like a five year old did it? I was five for one whole year after all and I'm allowed to relive it as often as I want...so there.
I'm always making lists (and losing them). So I've decided to start writing some of them in my journal. Then doodling around them and coloring with some crayons. Aside from the crayons it's what my lists look like anyway. I think implenting art in my everyday activities will help keep my creative juices flowin!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Creative Block

I haven't felt very creative lately. I don't really know why. This page is something I forced out as you can probably tell. I plan to write something deep and moving in it, I just don't know what yet! I'll be doing some spring cleaning tomorrow and rearranging some things. Hopefully that will spark a creative fire. But until then I'll leave you with a poem from Charles Bukowski :)
Sway With Me
Sway with me, everything sad -
madmen in stone houses
without doors,
lepers streaming love and song
frogs trying to figure
the sky;
sway with me, sad things -
fingers split on a forge
old age like breakfast shells
used books, used people
used flowers, used love
I need you
I need you
I need you:
it has run away
like a horse or a dog,
dead or lost
or unforgiving.
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