Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Discovery

I've recently discovered the fantastic photography of Darren Holmes. He has a dark off center perspective that I seem to be drawn to no matter what the medium. When I look at his photographs my mind begins to open and my emotions are stirred. His creativity provokes creativity and stirs me to think. That is what true art does.

I'm going to alter some of his photos for mixed media collage. There are a couple that I definitely want to use to collage a journal for my poetry. And a couple of more I'd like to hide inside a plethora of images on canvas.

I'll let you know how they turn out. Oh, the anticipation....!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome to Bohemian Sugar!

Bohemian Sugar is a blog about my somewhat bohemian lifestyle, whatever that may entail. I personally don't think I'm that unconventional but one thing I've been told continually throughout my life is how eccentric I am. So, apparently from the outside eye I'm not as normal as I think I am! What's the "sugar" about? First of all, I live in a little district in Salt Lake called Sugar House. And second, because this part of my life is the sweetest part of my life. When I am writing, creating, taking the unbeaten path or enjoying someone Else's writings or creations, that's when I feel most alive and most connected. I believe art, in all it's forms, is not only an emotional outlet but a spiritual one. Plus, I have (like most creative people) a dream world that demands expression! Besides, you really don't want me to blog about corporate America do you? Yeah, I didn't think so.

So from time to time I'll write a blog about something creative that I'm either working on or have experienced. I hope this blog will trigger your own creative instincts and nudge you to invest more time "dabbling in the arts".